Detoxing with Ionic Foot Baths

What is an ionic foot detox?

This is a unique and simple therapy that conducts positive and negative ions through salt water to remove toxins from the body. With each foot containing over 125,000 sweat glands, this creates a major exit point to pull toxins through. From a Chinese medicine standpoint, this technique helps clear heat from the body and serves as a great supplement to acupuncture. Alternatively, it can be enjoyed on its own as a relaxing treat for your overworked feet!

Health benefits


  • heavy metals

  • yeast & bacteria

  • parasites

  • dead blood cells


  • blood & lymph circulation

  • digestion & overall gut health

  • immune system function

  • skin health

  • sleep and relaxation

Safe practice:

Your body will continue to shed toxins via sweat and urine for up to 48 hours after your foot soak, so make sure you drink plenty of water with added electrolytes or minerals.

Do not undergo an ionic foot soak if you have…

  • a pacemaker

  • any open or infected sores on your feet

  • diabetic neuropathy

  • are pregnant or nursing

What is all that gunk in my water?

During an ionic foot treatment you can expect to see a drastic color change in the water. This is mainly explained by the electrochemical reaction happening between the ions as they pull toxins out from your body and into the charged water. A rusty color is relatively normal and not necessarily indicative of anything in particular, but the story of what’s happening on a detox level can be further told by other color changes and the presence of particles or bubbles in the water during and after your foot soak. The following chart describes how to interpret the remnants of your foot soak:

Kristen Sprague